The standard id of the chain.
The contract address of the token.
The full name of the token, from the eth_call name().
The symbol of the token, from the eth_call symbol().
The decimals name of the token, from the eth_call decimals().
The timestamp of the record.
The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots).
The standard id of the chain.
The contract address of the token.
The volume amount of the token, during the snapshot period, decimal normalized.
The volume of the token in USD.
The fees (ie, revenue generated from trading this token) from this token in native, decimal normalized terms.
The fees collected in USD.
The amount of incentives collected from this token, during the snapshot period, decimal normalized.
The value of incentives in USD.
The timestamp of the block this snapshot was taken.
The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots).
The standard id of the chain.
The volume in USD, in the given snapshot period.
The fees (ie, total revenue generated in the protocol) collected in USD, during the snapshot period.
The timestamp of the trade.
The standard id of the chain this trade belongs to.
The block number in which the trade occurred.
The transaction hash associated with this trade.
The event log. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0.
The amount of fees from this trade (ie, the revenue generated from executing this trade).
The fees for this trade in USD.
(Optional) The slippage of the given trade, as a percentage (ie, 1.3% slippage is 0.013).
The address of the user initiating the trade.
The contract address of the input token(s).
Parallel array to input_tokens, dictating the normalized native amounts of each token traded.
The contract address of the output token(s).
Parallel array to output_tokens, dictating the normalized native amounts of each token traded.
The value of the swap in USD.