The standard id of the chain.
The block this pool was created in.
The timestamp of the block that this pool was created in.
The contract address of the underlying token.
The symbol of the underlying token.
The contract address of the receipt token.
The symbol of the receipt token.
The contract address of the pool.
The type of the pool (collateral_only, isolated, supply_pool, cdp).
The timestamp of the snapshot.
The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots).
The standard id of the chain.
The contract address of the pool.
The contract address of the underlying token.
The symbol of the underlying token.
The address of the user who has the position.
The amount supplied by the user in the underlying token, decimal normalized.
(Optional) The supplied amount in USD.
The amount borrowed by the user in the underlying token, decimal normalized.
(Optional) The borrowed amount in USD.
(Optional) The amount of collateral-only tokens of this asset, decimal normalized.
(Optional) The amount of collateral-only tokens in USD.
The timestamp of the snapshot.
The timestamp truncated (ie, YYYY-MM-DD format for daily snapshots and YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00 for hourly snapshots).
The standard id of the chain.
The contract address of the pool.
The contract address of the underlying token.
The symbol of the underlying token.
(Optional) The token price of the underlying asset in USD.
The amount of token's available to borrow (liquidity or net supply or supply - borrow).
(Optional) The available amount of token's in this pool in USD.
The total amount of the underlying token supplied in this pool, decimal normalized.
(Optional) The supplied amount in USD.
(Optional) The amount of collateral only tokens in this pool.
(Optional) The amount of collateral only tokens in the pool.
The collateral factor of the pool (defined as a decimal percentage, between 0-100).
The supply index of the pool.
The current annual percentage rate for supplied amount, as a decimal percentage.
The amount of underlying tokens borrowed from this pool in the underlying token, decimal normalized.
(Optional) The borrowed amount in USD.
The borrow index of the pool.
The current annual percentage rate for borrow, as a decimal percentage.
(Optional) The total revenue or fees accrued in this pool during the given snapshot period (ie, user_fees_usd + protocol_fees_usd = total_fees_usd).
(Optional) The portion of total revenue or fees accrued to users of the protocol during the given snapshot period.
(Optional) The portion of total revenue or fees accrued to protocol during the given snapshot period.
The timestamp of the transaction.
The standard id of the chain.
The block number of the trade.
The event log. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0.
The hash of the transaction.
The address that initiates the transaction (ie, the transaction signer).
The address that receives the output of the event (ie, account that receives aTokens in an Aave Deposit).
The contract address of the pool.
The address of the underlying token that was interacted with (ie, USDC and not aUSDC in Aave).
The amount of token_address transacted, decimal normalized.
The amount of token_address transacted, in USD.
The type of lending event, corresponds to the action taken by the user (ie, deposit, withdrawal, borrow, repay, liquidation, flashloan).
The timestamp of the transaction.
The standard id of the chain.
The block number of the trade.
The event log. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0.
The hash of the transaction.
The address that initiates the liquidation.
The address that was liquidated.
The contract address of the pool.
The address of the underlying token that was repaid by the liquidator (ie, USDC and not aUSDC in Aave).
The amount of token_address transacted, decimal normalized.
The amount of token_address transacted, in USD.
The amount of profit the liquidator made from liquidating user_address (can be negative).